Use the following questions as a guide to identify where your child is in their spiritual walk and in their understanding of what it means to make a Fresh Start.
Tip: Allow time for your child to think and respond. Children may take a few moments to answer a question they have not had to think about previously. If some time has passed and you sense they are struggling to put their thoughts into words, rephrase your question and see if that helps.
What do you think sin is? Why is it a big deal?
Sin is anything that we think, say or do that doesn’t please God. It makes him unhappy. All of us have sinned. And that’s what separates us from God. Our hearts are no longer clean because of sin. God is perfect and his kingdom is perfect. Only those with clean hearts are welcome to be part of his kingdom. On our own, we can’t make our hearts clean. But God loves us so much and wants us to be with him! That’s why he sent Jesus. (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23)
Do you know who Jesus is?
Jesus is God’s Son. He came to earth and was different from any other person. He was perfect and never sinned.
What has Jesus done for us?
Jesus took our punishment when he died on the cross so that all the wrong things that we have done can be forgiven. Guess what? Jesus became alive again! Our hearts can now be made clean! (Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, Acts 13:30,31)
How do we become a Christian? How can my heart be made clean?
We can tell God that we know we have sinned and ask him to forgive us. We believe that Jesus died on the cross to be punished instead of us, then invite him to make our hearts clean so that we can become his friend and a child of God. (1 John 1:9, John 1:12, John 3:16)